Tuesday, June 17, 2008


For fathers day Kimmy surprised me with tickets to go see "The Incredible Hulk". It was such a good movie. So awesome. Just so you know this is not a sequel to the stupidest movie ever made "The Hulk". It is like the Batman Begins of the Hulk and starts completely new. Edward Norton plays the hulk and does a great job he is one of my favorite actors. The special effects and sound where fantastic. We saw it at the Megaplex in SLC and the High Definition screens are so crisp and clear. I would rank this movie in my top 5 of comic book movies.

Tony Stark "Iron Man" makes and appearance in this movie with a little teaser of whats to come. "The Dark Knight" is next up July 18th.

P.s. Kimmy even liked it!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

St. George Vacation

This past weekend Luke, our good friends Ryan and Karina and I were able to go on a mini vacation down to my in-laws new vacation home in St. George. We spent the whole weekend kid less (Ryan and Karinas) and dog less and it was one of the best trips ever! Here are just a few pictures.

The gang just hanging out on the patio. What we did best!

Me and Karina. Anywhere with palm trees and nice weather is a vacation to me.

The boys spent a lot of time playing Halo on the patio and looking for golf balls. In the end we found well over 100 balls and enjoyed watching and talking to the golfers that passed by.

Me and Karina again laying out in the sun.

Me and Luke on the last day. Sad to leave, but excited that Larry and Holly are willing to share their oasis with us again.

Although we just sat around most of the time it was so relaxing and enjoyable. Luke was sick the whole time, but he was such a good sport and we had fun anyway. The guys were so funny and such great entertainment with all the funny things they would say and come up with. For the first time ever I learned how to swing a golf club thanks to Ryan, even though my belly got in the way. We had In and Out Burger twice in Utah!!!...a historic event. We can't wait until the next time we get to go down. We hope it's soon!