Wednesday, January 29, 2014


For New Years eve this year. I was very sick with a cold. I'm pretty sure I got it from Luke who was sick the week before. Usually we bring in the new year down in St. George, but since we were so close to having the babies, we decided to stay home. Luke and Oliver headed over to my brothers party while I stayed home watching TV. They got home before midnight. but sadly there was no midnight kisses from me. 
 But how great are these two for treating me to a foot rub.

 In the past 6 years that we have lived in this house, we have not had a dishwasher. We decided that with the babies coming, it was time to install one. Oliver "helped" us pick one out.
 And Luke installed it. It took him a good 12 hours since he had to move pipes and re-plumb for it.
 I thought he did a great job and we wondered why we didn't do this years ago. Love my handy man.

I got around to finally putting Christmas away. It was a lot of work for me and I maybe shouldn't have done as much as I did...

...because the next day I started bleeding and had to go to the hospital to make sure things were okay, which they were. 
 I got to visit with Karina and we even did a little V-day crafting. 
 I had a lunch/shower with the ladies in my families at Olive Garden.
 I got to go with Oliver on his pre-school field trip to the fire station. 
 We both had a good time and he even got his own badge and coloring book. 
Had plenty of headaches that sent me up to the hospital again. Luke started a new job on this same day and couldn't take me to the hospital, but luckily Amy was around to go with me. And thankfully the babies and I  were okay.
Like I mentioned, Luke said goodbye to his old job
 And hello to his new job. We are all excited about the change, but will miss Heath. They were very good to us over the years.

Turned in my elevator key at work as I was preparing to go on maternity leave.

Did laundry for the babies. These outfits are so tiny.

Learned a new trick

Grew bigger and bigger everyday getting more and more uncomfortable.
Re finished our TV stand. From this...
to this.
 Oliver and I went on another field trip to the police station. 
 Officer Millward had them to push ups because as a cop, you have to be fit.
 I had my final ultrasound. Babies look good and we are ready for delivery day. We got a scheduled C-section of January 30, 2014. Of course I am sitting here with my drink of choice, Apple Juice. 
 Enjoyed book club with these ladies. We made vision boards (which last year I thought was a little weird, until everything on my vision board happened). This year I'm all about it, hoping that once again the things I have on there will come true. 
 Up next, Babies.