Yesterday I went to one of the best baby showers ever! My Sister in law Amy threw this amazing shower together with some of the best food ever and I was able to see a lot of people that I don't usually get to see. Thank you to everyone who was able to be there and support us. You all really did spoil us a ton and Luke and I feel so lucky to have all of you in our lives.
I didn't really take too many pictures so if you want to see a really good blog about the shower go to Amys We got so many cute things from everyone. Seriously, we got spoiled.
Luke showed up at the end to help me open a couple of gifts.
I shot of half of the room and 2 of the three Diaper cakes we got. Luke was so excited to see that we got so many diapers.
A HUGE thanks goes out to Amy for hosting this party. She is an amazing sister in law and we feel so lucky to be so close to her and her little/big family.