Monday, May 18, 2009

Loved Friday

This past Friday, and weekend for that matter, was so much fun. The morning started out a little rough with a killer toe stub, but I got over it so that I wouldn't miss out on all the fun.

(The picture doesn't do it much justice.)

We headed to Lagoon to volunteer for Physics day. They gave us some pretty cool shirts and we helped out with the egg drop for a few hours. We also went to pioneer village to see all the old stuff and went on a few rides. Even though the park was closed to the public that day, there were still so many students there to make the lines for the rides really long.

The target was actually pretty big and I was surprised how many kids completely missed it. One of the teachers that was with us got nailed right in the head, but he was fine.

Oliver had to stay outside of the barricade so that he wouldn't get hit. He did SO good all day. I think he really enjoyed watching all the people around him, the music, and being pushed around in his stroller.
We mostly hung out with Kevin and Mari-Beth. Kevin is a baseball player, so naturally, we had to hit up all the baseball games. It was very entertaining to watch him and he won the majority of the time.
Kevin and Luke were so funny.

Luke was trying to rinse the egg off his leg, but I think it was just an excuse to play in the fountain.

Later that day, Ryan and Karina met up with us and we went out to dinner. It was nice to be kid less which is something that rarely happens. We had such a great time with them as always and look forward to hanging out with them. Hopefully soon in warmer circumstances...wink
The rest of the weekend consisted of trying to see Jake and Becky as much as possible while they were visiting, Going up to Trent and Amy's for an awesome BBQ to celebrate Trent and his birthday, And relaxing in the great weather. I'm sad that I didn't get any pictures of the rest of the weekend, so you'll have to believe me when I say that it was all fun.
I love the weekends when you have a lot to do towards the beginning and the you get to relax towards the end. I hope we have a lot more weekends like this this coming summer.


Amy said...

I am glad you guys came to the BBQ. It was good. We need to have a movie night soon. I will start planning a night.

Karina said...

hooray for warmer days... cant wait for another summer with you Kimmy!! lol

Ani said...

Jessica went to lagoon too. They made an egg launcher...or they tried too. I ever found out if they actually finished it. They did last year.