Sadly, we did it. On Christmas eve we went from becoming a family of 4 to a family of 3...tear. At around 2pm, we got a phone call from a lady who was driving through on their way up to Logan. They called to say that they were looking for a dog and that they wanted to meet Moose. Earlier that day they were at Sportsman's Warehouse where they saw the flyer that we had posted of Moose, so at around 4pm, they stopped by. I really didn't think that they would take him so quickly, but sure enough, they fell in love with him and his friendly personality and welcomed him into their lives. We gathered all of his belongings and said our quick goodbyes. It took me a couple of hours to recover and I still feel very sad to think that he is gone. Moose always loved us no matter how mad we would get or how much we failed to give him attention. He would always meet us at the door to welcome us home and loved us unconditionally. Here are a few of the fun and even not so fun things that happened while Moose was around...
*When Moose would get scared, he's run into the brown room and hide in between the Luv Sacs.
* We bought him a dog backpack so that we could take him hiking with us. He loved it and paraded around with it on his back so pridefully.
*He made it into our ward directory. No, it wasn't us. It was a joke played on us by our neighbor.
* Trained Moose to stay off the carpet. He really was a good and smart dog.
* Had Oliver and we were so happy that the two of them were going to be buddies.
We will truly miss our dog Moose and hope that he enjoys his new family. We knew for a while that is was the right thing that needed to be done. The memories with him will always be imprinted in our hearts and we'll never forget those happy times with him.