Friday, March 12, 2010

Oliver is officially 18 months today. Wahoo! This morning we went to see Dr. Templeman to make sure that he was progressing along just fine. And he is. His favorite part was playing with the reflex hammer and Dr. Templeman's light.

After some measuring and weighing, these were his growth stats...

*Weight 27.31 lbs-70%
* Length 32.75 in-65%
*Head Circumference 20.7-100%

I sometimes look at Oliver and can't believe that he is my child. That he grew inside my belly for 9 months. That he calls me mom. That he nearly runs to give me hugs. That he shares many of the same attributes that I have. And that he loves me.

We sure love you too!


Jill Clark said...

He's adorable! He looks a lot like Andrew in this picture. I think they could be brothers.

Hope you are doing well, it's sad that I never see you anymore.

Stacey said...

Oh man, he's so cute! At nearly 3, Pearl weighs 23lbs. Way to go Oliver!!

Felicia H. said...

Thats funny that he weighs more than Allston

Kim & Campbell said...

Wowzabee...I can't believe how grown up he is. I know, I know what elese was he supposed to do, but I just remember him as an infint and now he is...a toddler!

Jake said...

Haven't seen him forever. He is looking more proportional

Amy said...

I can't believe how skinny he looks/is getting!

Karina said...

hey, what happened to my ball of chunk oliver??? hes thinning out... sad