Here are some exciting (and maybe not so exciting) things that have happened over this past year that I never blogged about...until now....
I became 1st counselor in the YW program back in February.
Prepared for the arrival of a baby.
Here's to what was a great 2008 and hopefully a fine 2009!!!!
Great post Kim! I love all the things you said. It was definitely a big year for you guys! I am glad you have that cute little chunky boy and can't wait until he gets big enough to wrestle with my kids!
I seriously *heart* the pictures of you, Luke, and Oliver. I am honestly jealous... I wish I had someone to take fantastic photos like that of my little family.
I wonder what 2009 will have in store for your family? It looks like 2008 treated you well, just as you deserve. :-D
HA! Love the rhyme... you are so cleaver. Hooray for getting some pictures of oliver in his blessing outfit, and a very good one I might add!!! Such a good post, I loved it!! I wonder what 2009 holds for you??? Maybe another baby?!!?? You never know!!!
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