Oliver is six months today! I can hardly believe that he is half way to his first birthday. He really is growing up way too fast. Here are some of the things that he is currently into:
~He is Smiling A LOT!
~He is currently Eating rice Cereal
~He enjoys being in his Saucer while watching Baby Einstein
~He is almost in a size 4 diaper (just waiting for those last few size 3's to run out)
~He is sitting up...with a little help
~He still hates to be on his tummy
~He loves to play and suck on his hands and occasionally his thumb
~He loves to cuddle
~He still likes having his face played with and kissed
~He loves it when his blanket is under and around his face while in his car seat and sucking on a Binky
~His eyes are still blue
~He is getting long scraggly hairs on the top of his head...haircut here we come!
~He likes the sound of his own voice and so he squawks a lot.
~He is starting to show signs of teeth coming in.
~He loves falling asleep to either Mom or Dad caressing his head
And here are the pictures of his 6 month mark!
Okay, this is when he was happy...for a minute
...And this is how he really has been today. He hasn't been feeling too well so he's been hanging onto me all day. My plan was to take better pictures, but this is the best I could do.
Happy 6 months, my love!