Monday, June 21, 2010

Splash me!

I am incredibly happy that we are finally starting to show signs of summer. This past week, Amy invited us to come up to her place to enjoy the sun and let the kids play in the water. We desperately were in need of some serious summer fun.

Killer splashes! (Andrews face at the top right is my favorite)

Amy and company. Love these pictures!

So happy to be in the sun. Aiden took these pictures and I think he did a darn good job.

Wicked jumps!

A fun day like today wouldn't be complete without some silly face shots.

And last but certainly not least- My favorite odd ball quote of the day,

Aiden: "Hey Kim? Take a picture of me being a Megatron" (referring to the picture above)
Happy Summer!


Amy said...

Ah, that was a great day. Love the hot summer days!

Karina said...

these pics are really makeing me sad that we dont have a yard yet!!! i miss days like this!