Sunday, October 31, 2010

Treats please

We may be lame for not taking our kid to do some real Trick-or-treating like most people do, but we found a great alternative. The Hogle Zoo did a little trick-or-treating event called "Boo at the Zoo". We figured it would be a fun family activity, Oliver can get his candy collecting done before nap time, and we can do what we most wanted to do this Halloween night-sit at home and pass out candy. How was this a bad idea?

Oliver Loved getting candy and seeing all the animals. Luke just liked the animals and didn't want to wait in line for candy. He kept asking to move on to the next animal exhibit. I love my boys.
Isn't Oliver the cutest little hamburger you've ever seen? I think so.
As we were leaving, Luke got pooed on. Good Luck or bad luck? You decide...


Amy said...

Sounds like a great idea to me. And I think with Luke's liking of poo it was good luck that he got pooed on.

Karina said...

love this idea! haha, LUKE!