* 2011 was a rough year. One that I will never forget, but one that I have learned so much from. I am ready for a new year...a better year.
* I have some pretty awesome friends. They save me on a daily basis. This also includes Luke.
* One good thing that happened this past year was that I got a job working at Bountiful High. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the people I work with. They are heaven sent.
* I pushed incredibly hard this year...mentally, emotionally, and physically. I know it's made me stronger.
* I wish that I could freeze Oliver at this age for a little while. He is amazing!
* Luke is an amazing Dad to Oliver. I love hearing them play together.
* The phrase "Mind over matter" repeatedly plays through my mind daily.
* I want to be fancy, but I'm better at being simple.
* I want my dread locks back. This may happen summer of 2012.
* I would sell everything I own just to be able to have the one thing that I have the hardest time getting.
* Running is my therapy. I ran more this year than any other year of my life.
* I have gained 15 pounds this year. I blame medication. 2012 will be a lot of work.
* Being healthy and having a healthy family is a huge blessing that I am so thankful for.
* I'm really starting to finally like my house. Even in its state of chaos and old age.
* I sort of suck at being very domesticated. I'm trying to be better housekeeper, wife, mother and all that stuff. It's hard. Nice work to those that pull it off well.
* I need to read more...scriptures included.
* I have many goals set for the coming year. Watch out, you may be a recipient of those goals...Oblige me.
* My plans for the coming year are so far sounding great. I am really excited to get on with it.
* I am blessed.