Friday, November 7, 2008

One word

I got tagged. I can only use 1 word to answer, so let's see how it goes...

1. Where is your cell phone? pocket

2. Where is your significant other? couch

3. Your hair color? Dark

4. Your mother? Brown

5. Your father? funny

6. Your favorite thing? family

7. Your dream last night? Hawaii

8. Your dream/goal? happiness

9. The room you're in? office

10. Your hobby? pictures

11. Your fear? loss

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home

13. Where were you last night? Amys

14. What you're not? bald

15. One of your wish list items? vacation

16. Where you grew up? Utah

17. The last thing you did? converse

18. What you are wearing? pijamas

19. Your T.V.? off

20. Your pet? moose

21. Your computer? Dads

22. Your mood? Full

23. Missing someone? always

24. Your car? subaru

25. Something your not wearing? socks

26. Favorite store? smiths

27. Your summer? gone :(

28. Love someone? Everyday

29. Your favorite color? Green

30. Last time you laughed? sevenish

31. Last time you cried? church

I tag any one who hasn't done this.


Amy said...

Good ONE Kimmy! Thanks for helping me with my letters and hanging out with me!

Jake said...
