Monday, March 25, 2013


I loved this Saturday. Loved it. It started off with some girl time at City creek buying Toms and shopping at H&M. We finished shopping at around lunch time and decided to get lunch at one of our favorites. Spankys. After laughing hysterically in the car for a good 5 minutes we parted our separate ways.
 Since we felt bad about leaving Oliver this past weekend while we were living it up in Moab and didn't do a single thing for him for St. P day, we took Oliver to see a movie. We told him the night before that we were going to take him to do something fun and that it was a surprise. He was so excited when we pulled up to the movie theater and told him what we were doing.
We saw the Croods which was just okay. Oliver sat there and devoured his popcorn and butterfingers and was glued to the screen. He loved it.
He did not want to have his picture taken, but Luke and I did. We are so fun.  
After the movie we drove out to Toys R Us to get a Skylander for Oliver. He has earned some money from doing his chores and so he was able to buy it with his own money. Oliver was in a funk of some sort because he didn't want to stick around to look at all of the toys, but Luke and I did.
 He barely let us take this picture of him.
The rest of the night we hung out together, just the three of us and it was perfect. 


linds said...

sounds like the perfect saturday. glad i got to see you guys at lunch. love me some spankys:)