Friday, February 26, 2010

Kids will be kids

Last night I got to hang out with some of my favorite little people. The Jensen kids. Oliver LOVES these guys and every time I pull up to their house, he notices and starts to point and make very excited noises.

The kids wanted to make brownies as their treat for the night and so brownies we made. Watching them each eat the yummy chocolaty batter was so funny. I just had to document it.

A few (we wont name names) didn't believe me when I said that they had chocolate all over their face and we had to wash up, so I took a picture of each of them to show that they really did have messy faces. They thought this was pretty funny. I guess I could have sent them each to look in the bathroom mirror, but what fun is there in that???

And to finish off the night, we thought it would be fun to watch Popeye..that's right the 1980's version with Robin Williams and Shelly Duvall. The kids were loving it (even though Oakley and Aiden are shooting stink eye looks at the camera).

The night was excellent...until Oliver decided to freak out a couple of times in the middle of the night and not sleep. We ended up packing up and heading home at 4AM.
Thanks Jensen kids for letting us play and hang out. We sure love you!


Amy said...

Oliver and Morgan really do look alike in that picture! Amazing. You are so nice to watch the hoard. They love it when you babysit!